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About place

The valley of the emerald river Soca has amazing cross-country possibilites and its frequently chosen location for various flying competition, also those of the highest level. A combination of the sea, which is only 50 km away, and the multifaceted terrain of the Julian Alps in the north creates  ideal flying conditions between two very popular take-offs on each side - Kobala on the east and Kobariški stol on the west side.

For the XRACE 2010 we decided to use Kobala as our main take-off, headqurters for the event will be located in Tolmin. For reserve take off location we will use Lijak above Nova Grica, which is our warranty to have as much tasks as possible.

Cross country flights

Flights from Kobala

Flights from Lijak

Map with important waypoints

Show important waypoints of XContest XRace 2010 on bigger map.
