XRace [home]
Fly your way to win!
XRace introduces new and revolutionary format of task setting and scoring of paragliding competitions. We decided to organise competition with tasks well known from gliding – AAT (Assignated Area Tasks).
Why AAT?
- AAT tasks brings new and fresh breeze into today´s boring style of paragliding competitions where flying too conservatively in group and following others is the winning strategy.
- AAT is answer for competition pilots who do not want to fly in cross country competitions where individuality is disadvantage.
- AAT is simple and understandable. We will use radius sectors and pilots don´t need any special GPS devices or PDA.
- Detailed description of AAT tasks si here: About AAT
In addition to AAT we will fly well-known "Speed run" tasks. All flights will be uploaded to XContest where the task setting and scoring will be done. Like other events held at XContest, provisional and final results will be live at XContest website immediately after tracklog download.
Dates: Monday, 12th July – Sunday, 18th July 2010 (18th is a reserve day)
Place: Tolmin, Slovenia
Organisation: Gasper Prevc and XContest team

- Sunday 11th July – registration after 19.00
- Monday 12th July – registration (till 9am) / 1st competition day
- Tuesday 13th July - Saturday 17th July – competition days / Prize giving ceremony
- Sunday 18th July 2010: Reserve task in case of less than 3 valid tasks
The main take-off will be Kobala. The area is famous with very good conditions, long XC flights and pleasant XC competitions. The landing place will be in Tolmin. As a reserve take-off in case of non-flying conditions at Kobala will be used Lijak. More informations about location and how to get there you can find here.
XContest XRace is competition FAI 2 class and it is final round of Czech XC League 2010.
Number of Participants and Registration
Registration for the competition on-line at registration page. Registrations will be accepted on the first come first serve basis. Maximum number of participants is limited to 120.
Entry Requirements
Entry Fee
- 120,- EUR if paid until 25. June 2010
- 150,- EUR if paid after 25. June 2010
Entry fee should be paid by bank transfer
Account name and address: KAREL VEJCHODSKY, PODNASEPNI 16, BRNO, CZ
IBAN: CZ0968000000001060010723
Variable symbol: license number
The payment must be passed to the account before 10th June to qualify for the fee without a late payment surcharge.
For international bank transfers you have to pay all transaction fees (your payment order must be marked OUR).
Czech pilots can pay in CZK (rate 26,0) to the account number 3060001930/6800.
Slovenian pilots can pay to Gasper Prevc.
Entry fee includes
Processing of Results
GPS will be used for the flight verification. XContest system will be used validation and scoring GPS track-log. We will ensure uploading of GPS tracklogs but you can use also your computers and Wi-fi in the office to do it yourselves under your profile in XContest system! The organizer provides cables for GARMIN GPS.
Awarded Categories
- Open
- Standard - up to EN C/DHV 2
- Women
Contact information
email: info@xcontest.org or prevc@slo-paragliding.com
phone: Karel +420777560735 or Gasper