About AAT
What is the difference of todays tasks (Race to goal) compared to AAT?
- Ra
ce to goal
The pilot has to touch defined waypoints. All pilots fly the same distance. With same time of start open it leads to the common situation that pilots are flying almost same route in big groups and take advantage from „fast final glide“ in the end of task.
The pilot has to achieve the highest average speed in defined minimum time through „assigned areas“ (sectors) – cylinders with big radius (for example 10 km) in the sequence designed by organiser. It depends on pilot how deep he will fly inside each sector and which route he chooses to get highest average speed to complete the task.
Why AAT?
- AAT tasks brings new and fresh breeze into today´s boring style of paragliding competitions where flying too conservatively in group and following others is the winning strategy.
- AAT is answer for competition pilots who do not want to fly in cross country competitions where individuality is disadvantage.
- AAT is simple and understandable. We will use radius sectors and pilots don´t need any special GPS devices or PDA
Types of AAT tasks
The principle is simple, instead of waypoints there are sectors (large), pilot must fly through all sectors in sequence given by organiser and make the goal - but it depends on pilots how deep in each sector fly to have longer distance (better avg.speed). Distance is calculated similar like at onlince contests by tracklog optimalization - for scoring it takes fartherst points in every sector to get the best distance across all sectors.
There are 2 options, the most used AAT task is Speed task:
- There is minimum time for task (eg 3 hours) - pilot must fly through all sectors and finish later than minimum time. System counts an average speed of the pilot. If the pilot come to the goal earliear than in minimum time, for points the minimum time is taken (he has worse average speed)
- Score is calculated from the average speed and flown distance. If the pilot don´t make a goal, he lost points for speed and get points only for distance.
- Ideal tactic is come to the goal shortly after the minimum time.
Second is the " distance" option:
- There is a maximum time and pilot has to fly the greatest distance in this time (in principle again average speed)
- Score is counted only from the distances till the moment of the maximum time. There can be penalty if pilot don´t make a goal (but he can reach goal after maximum time).
- Ideal tactic is to make a goal very short after maximum time - make profit from final glide to have better avg.speed
Task with minium time 3h, minum distance 50km, maximum possible distance 150km (distance is computed as the shortest and longest distance from sectors defined at task briefing).
Pilot A fly 85km and land in goal at 3h12min with avg.speed 26,56km/h
Pilot B fly 90km and land in goal at 3h24min with avg.speed 26,47km/h
Pilot C fly 75km and land in goal at 2h36min with avg.speed 28,84km/h
For scoring:
Pilot A has avg.speed 26,56km/h (85/3,2)
Pilot B has avg.speed 26,47km/h (90/3,4)
Pilot C has avg.speed 25km/h (75/3,0!!!)
Winner is pilot A with best avg.speed and for scoring takes distance 90km of pilot B (best distance from all pilots who made goal). All pilots in goal has same distance for scoring, in our example 90km. Pilot C got minimum time for computing of speed (3h).