World XContest 2025 [česká verze]
Ahoj pilote,
je nám potěšením přivítat Tě na webových stránkách World XContest 2025, celosvětového přeletového systému.
🏆 And the last category of the 2024 World XContest season we would like to present is hang-gliding (FAI-1)! 🏆 🥇 The first place won Glauco Pinto from Brazil with 1748p. He made all his most valuable flights at home from the winch. The best one is 216 km FAI triangle from Jaragua. 🇧🇷 🥈 The silver goes to Italy. Suan Selenati flew in the Italian Alpes (1674p.) where he managed to fly 214 FAI triangle from Gemona. 🇮🇹 🥉 And the bronze medal belongs to Tao Le from France. His best flight is incredible 283km FAI triangle from Col d'Izoard (1650p.) 🇫🇷 XContest team congratulates you guys, enjoy the new season 2025 and we wish all pilots merry Christmas and a happy New Year! For the HG ranking please visit: #XContest #xcmag #XContestWinners
🏆 World XContest 2024 - the last PG category we would like to present today is the TANDEM category (min 2 people:))🏆 🥇The first place was defended from the last season by world-class tandem pilot Philippe Sicardi from France with all home flights (1041p.). 🇫🇷 🥈The second place belongs to Stefan Lauth from Germany. He always flies with his wife and explored the Alps in Italy, Slovenia and Germany together (917p.) 🇩🇪 🥉And third place with 885p. won Tomáš Kuník from Slovakia with mainly out-and-return flights from Kenya. 🇸🇰 Big applause for all tandem pilots! For the ranking in the TANDEM category, please visit: