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XContest Ireland 2025

XContest IHPA banner

XContest Ireland is the official cross country hang gliding and paragliding league of the Irish Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (IHPA). The XContest League runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. The results of the league are assessed annually by the IHPA and awards presented at the IHPA AGM (typically each March).

Benefits of XContest

In 2022, the IHPA took the decision to move the Irish paragliding and hang gliding cross country league to the XContest platform. The main benefits of using XContest include:

  • Simplicity! XContest is easy to use and inclusive, allowing pilots of all skill and experience levels to participate!

  • Inclusivity! XContest enables a level playing field for both hang gliding and paragliding pilots to participate in a unified league!

  • Different Categories! XContest offers auto-categorisation into recognised categories for different wing types (paragliding only) – namely Open (All classes), Standard (EN B), Sport (EN C) and Serial (EN D+) – meaning XContest offers more categories to our annual league!

  • Ease of Upload! Whether you are using the free XCtrack App or any of the other recognised tracking instruments or Apps, XContest offers the simplest flight upload integration, including auto-upload!

The Scoring System

The league scoring is configured accounting for the unique nature of free flying in Ireland. The main scoring details are as follows:

  • Flights included in score (in all categories): 6 best flights

  • Multipliers for different flight types:
    • Free flight: 1.0 (1km = 1 point)
    • Free triangle: 1.8 (1km = 1.8 points)
    • FAI triangle: 2.2 (1km = 2.2 points)
    • Closing rule for triangles: 20% of total length of triangle
  • Area of contest: Republic of Ireland


Entry to the XContest Ireland League is open to all current paid-up members of the IHPA. The small cost of facilitation of the XContest Ireland league is included in IHPA annual membership fees.

To register for XContest Ireland, simply click on the “Registration” link on the right-hand side of this page and follow the instructions.

Once you’re IHPA membership has been verified by the current league administrator, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that you have successfully registered. Once registered, you can upload your flights manually or setup auto-upload to XContest from your instrument / App.

Contact Us!

If you need help with any aspect of the league (registering, uploading flights, etc.) or if you have any issues or queries in relation to the league rules or scoring parameters, please contact either of the IHPA competitions officers by email:
