Welcome to the Cross Country Cup 2013 (CCC).
Only pilots who compete in the CCC and payed the sports licence fee may claim flights on this website and will appear in the
CCC rankings. You have to apply for your first sports licence at your club chairman.
The sports licence fee has to be payed until April 30. If you pay the fee after April 30 only flights after the
payment date will be ranked. The date of the receipt of payment at SHV will count as payment date.
If you want to participate in the CCC, you have to claim your flights on this site. Flights which are claimed on
other systems will not count for the CCC.
You'll find further information about the rules on this site.
All other pilots (who don't participate in the CCC) can claim their flights on
the World XContest website. The World XContest provides a ranking over all national
contests. So you can review and compare the flights of all pilots, whether they participate in the CCC or not.
26.08.2013 - CCC Kommissionssitzung 2013
Gemäss CCC-Reglement Teil D Seite 2, 2.9. kommt die CCC-Kommission jährlich zusammen um Diskussionspunkte, Vorschläge, Reglementsänderungen und Themen, welche
im Laufe des Jahres eingegangen sind zu diskutieren und klären.
Die alljährliche Sitzung findet dieses Jahr am Mittwoch 20. November um 18 Uhr auf der SHV-FSVL Geschäftsstelle in Zürich statt. http://map.search.ch/d/zy1yzkyyz
Die CCC-Kommission setzt sich wie folgt zusammen:
- 1 Auswerter (rekrutiert SHV)
- 1 SHV Mitarbeiter (rekrutiert SHV)
- Ligachef Gleitschirm
- Ligachef Delta
- Sieger Open
- Sieger Flex
- Ein Delegierter Siegerclub Gleitschirm
- Ein Delegierter Siegerclub Flex
Wir bitten die Einzelnen Piloten und Delegierte der Clubs obiges Datum zu reservieren. Falls du nicht teilnehmen kannst, bitte direkt selber einen kompetenten Ersatz organisieren.
Bei Fragen zur obiger Sitzung: elizabeth.voegtli@shv-fsvl.ch
28.2.2013 - CCC 2013
The new season on the northern hemisphere is about to start. We wish all pilots good luck and all the best in the new season.
Basic structure:
Left menu: contains references to pages with informations about flights, pilots and ranking in particular classes.
Furthermore you can find here rules and F.A.Q. (later)
Right menu: for "users", contains references to pages which can user (pilot) use for registration, flight claim,
pilot profile management, etc.
If you have any questions about XContest platform and CCC, please check out the help page first.
Main goal of XContest project:
The Swiss Cross Country Cup runs on the platform of the XContest project, provided by the PGweb team (Jakub Havel,
Petr Chromec and Karel Vejchodsky).
The main idea of XContest system is to provide pilots with most well-arranged and simple
as possible online cross country contest. The XContest project wants to provide world wide all important information about flights and
pilots. The aim during the flight information browsing is to give all users the opportunity to view all important data available from
tracklogs. No additional software is required.