World XContest 2012 [česká verze]
Ahoj pilote,
je nám potěšením přivítat Tě na webových stránkách World XContest 2012, celosvětového přeletového systému.
5. 12. 2011 - new feature AIR BUDDIES
From this moment you will meet with new handy feature on XContest - Air Buddies. Under the map and height profile in flight detail you will see first 3 related flights according to the "similarity" with the current flight - it means how much fly these pilots together or even if they meet in the air. You will be able to show more such flight immediatelly inside the page, or click on the show on map together link - this action will move you to the new page, similar to the one which you already know from HotSpot detail.
4. 12. 2011 - Rules for 100k+ Club precisely
We received more questions about new rules for Chocholate Club 100k+, especially about the evaluation of single takeoff site. So let's look at it closer:
We will accept only takeoffs from our database (it means the takeoff which you usually choose from the select list in the flight claim form, step 2). Concerning flights from not-yet-created sites: we will create them, in case it IS regular takeoff place. Other cases will be considered as the nearest takeoff from our DB, or will not be counted for the Club in case of any doubts. Takeoffs "from the air" will be evaluated in the same way.
So in short: do not try to switch on the GPS unit in the air or choose new obcure places for takeoff in the areas where there are other regular takeoffs, only to win chocolate:-)
3. 10. 2011 - Chocolate Club 100k+ goes into 2012 season with new rules!
In cooperation with the Chocolate Fikar, partner of Chocolate Club 100k+, we decided to sligtly change the rules for this prestigeous category. Starting from 2012 season, maximum of 2 flights over 100k from one single flying site is counted. We wish many varied 100k+ flights from all over the world!:)1. 3. 2010 - The Dutch cylinder race
Are you club, group of pilots, nation and would you like to organize simple tasks from more flying sites in one day?
XContest now offer to use an interface for rounds (tasks) and competition from different flying sites where you can set basic parameters:
create a new round
name and date of round
straight distance or out and return
radius of take-off cylinder
radius of goal cylinder
which sites will be used for each round
18. 2. 2010 - WIN GOLD BRICKS!
We would like to introduce new ranking categories at World XContest 2010. Chocolate Fikar decided to support XContest project as "Main partner" with additional investment and prizes for winners of new categories!
The category includes all pilots who have logged at least 1 flight over 100 km. Ranking is given by the number of such flights. In the case of equal number of flights over 100k the second aspect for ranking is the longest flight of pilot. 1 km = 1 point, closed triangles are optimized as free distance over 3 turnpoints.
Winners will get:
1st place - 10 kg famous belgian chocolate - Belcolade or Barry Callebaut (100 pieces of gold bricks)
2nd place - 5 kg (50 pieces of gold bricks)
3rd place - 4 kg (40 pieces of gold bricks)
4th place - 3 kg (30 pieces of gold bricks)
5th place - 2 kg (20 pieces of gold bricks)
6th - 20th place - 1 kg (10 pieces of gold bricks)
Ranking includes all pilots who are closest to the mark 100 km.
1st place - 1kg (10 pieces of gold bricks)
Chocolate gold bricks will be distributed till end of November 2010 within Europe at our expenses, outside of Europe pilot has to cover transportation costs.
16. 2. 2010 - XCamp and XRace 2010!
XContest takes under patronage two international paragliding events – well known "XCamp" and new "XRace". More informations about both events here: XCamp and XRace 2010
XRace 2010 - Fly your way to win!
XRace introduces new and revolutionary format of task setting and scoring of paragliding competitions with tasks well known from gliding (AAT).
Term: Monday 12. – Sunday 18. 7. 2010 (18. 7. as reserve day)
Place: Tolmin (Kobala), Slovenia
Organisation: Gasper Prevc
XCamp 2010 - Fly your own XC!
XCamp is moving from rough alpine conditions to the beautiful central Italy. Local conditions in the end of summer are usually very consistent with huge distance-potential, but suitable for most of recreational pilots which are not familiar with events in Alps in the strongest season.
Term: Monday 30. 8. – Sunday 5. 9. 2010 (5. 9. as reserve day)
Place: San Potito (Matese mountains), Italy
Organisation: Leone Antonio Pascale
15. 2. 2010 - XContest at Super Paragliding Testival 2010
Following last year’s successful paragliding equipment testing event, a second Super Paragliding Testival will be held in Kössen, Austria, from May 13 – 16. 2010.
You will find XContest stand close to the "Fliegerbar".
We will show you very interesting new features which will be released before the start of "spring" season in Europe. You can look forward for live tracking, unique multiple flights display, API interface etc.
See you there!
30.10.2010 - Private messages
XContest now supports private messages. Logged user could send messages for other users from Flight detail page of Pilot detail page.
27. 02. 2009 - XContest accept flights without valid G-record in IGC file
From today there is possible to claim flights (IGC files) without valid G-record (including GPX files converted into IGC). From now there are 3 levels of IGC validation process and each nation or club can choose:
1. Accepting only flights with valid G-record
2. Accepting all flights, but flights without valid G-record don´t affect rankings (now at World XContest). Such flights are visible in "Flight list" and "Daily score", however they will not be scored in any ranking category.
3. Accepting all flights
25. 02. 2009 - New competitions at XContest server
Finland join XContest family with their official national contest. We are looking forward for great flights from this beautfiful northern country!
We provide services for new club competitions like Cloudbusters Challenge (club from South Africa) or Schöckl Cup (Austrian club). We prepare another club scoring with special settings. If you are interested in you club competition at XContest server, read F.A.Q and contact us.
16. 01. 2009 - Gradient XCamp 2009
Gradient XCamp is light competition meeting designed for recreational pilots organized by where you can fly freely and win brand new Gradient Aspen 3!
No tasks, no goals, no windows, no stress... Enjoy relaxed flying on the beautiful south side of Alps!
02. 01. 2009 - Happy New Year 2009!
New year is the time to celebrate a new beginning, a time to wish all your friends and loved ones a happy new year. We bring you something very special...
Now you can use our map layers with Airspaces and Skyways for planning your XC routes and flights. Map of thermals will follow soon :-) Enjoy it!
27. 10. 2008 - Australia set up their national contest at XContest. We would like to welcome all Aussie pilots and wish them great flights and a lot of fun with XContest!
Are you interested in national scoring at XContest? Contact us!
01. 10. 2008 - The XContest system for the new season 2009 is ready. Now you can sign in, confirm your registration to the WXC 2009 and claim flights flown after 1.10.2008. Have a nice flights and a lot of fun in the new season!
For sure you can claim flights to the 2008 season if they were flown until 01.10.2008 - XContest automatically detect correct contest. Don´t forget - deadline for last flights for the 2008 season is 14.10.2008!
29. 06. 2008 - Flights from DHV-XC and LEONARDO servers in Daily score!
As the first product of cooperation with DHV and Leonardo/Paraglidingforum you can start to browse all the flights from these providers directly in Daily score
Flights are mixed together with "home" XContest flights, differentiated with another background and icon of provider under the link, which goes directly to the server of origin to the new browser window. Perfect overview of flying around the world each day!
External flights have NO effect for Ranking categories.
24. 06. 2008 - XContest in full interactive 3D - special feature!
From now you can enjoy flight view in 3D mode directly in flight detail at XContest! In the flight detail simply click on "G Earth 3D" button and allow installing the Google Earth Plug-in to your browser for the first time. Then you will be able to see all flights in 3D mode.
The Google Earth Plug-in currently supports the following web browsers on Microsoft Windows XP and Vista operating systems:
- IE 6.0+, 7.0+
- Firefox 3.0x, 2.x or 2.0x
- Netscape 7.1+
- Mozilla 1.4+
- Flock 1.0+
Support for other operating systems is planned in future releases of Google Earth Plug-in.
14. 11. 2007 - We would like to announce close partnership between XContest and Cross Country magazine. First issue of this cooperation is here:
Enter your flights in the XContest and you could win a free subscription to Cross Country magazine, or a DVD of your choice.
As part of our partnership Cross Country is offering free prizes to those that participate in the league. Just before each issue of Cross Country is printed, the names of three pilots who’ve entered scores in the last two months will be randomly selected by our computer. Prizes for the winners of the different categories will be announced later in the year, but in the meantime you don’t need to be a champion to be a winner, so get those flights logged.
Základní rozdělení stránek:
Levé menu: obsahuje odkazy na stránky zobrazující informace o přeletech, pilotech a pořadí v jednotlivých kategoriích. Dále zde najdeme pravidla ČPP a F.A.Q. (často pokládané otázky).
Pravé menu: "uživatelské", obsahuje odkazy, které uživatel (pilot) bude moci na webu provést, tj. registrace, přihlášení výkonu, založení a správa týmů atd.
Věříme, že jednoduchost a intiutivní práce s novým systémem XContest Ti bude při přihlašování výkonů dělat radost stejně jako velmi zajímavé a interaktivní prohlížení již přihlášených přeletů.
Cíl projektu:
Cílem je provozování co nejpřehlednějšího a jednoduchého přeletového systému, který bude zároveň přinášet všechny důležité informace o letech i pilotech. Pro zobrazení letů bylo snahou dát uživatelům prostor pro co nejzajímavější prohlížení všech důležitých dat, která jsou z tracklogu k dispozici a nebylo nutné používat další software.