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Article from XCamp 2009!
No tasks, no goals, no windows, no stress...
"XContest XCamp 2009" has the most open and simple format and rules possible. It´s all about free flying XC without stress, in the way you like! The main goal of this event is to enjoy "light competition" meeting with other pilots and free flying on this beautiful south side of Alps. XC beginners will have chance to learn from more experienced pilots and XC experts can push their limits with long flights or train for oncomming Paragliding Czech Open.
Term 4. 5. – 9. 5. 2009 (6 days)
Category: FAI 2
Place: Levico Terme, Panarotta - Italy
09. 01. 2009 - During XContest XCamp 2009 will be organized prizegiving ceremony of winners "World XContest 2008".
Among invited pilots and winners of World XContest 2008 are: Rafael Saladini, Martin Bühler, Chrigel Maurer, Peter Wallner, Klaus Heimhofer, Uli Strasser, Wolfgang Bernhard, Michi Müller, Johann Kronberger, Klaudia Bulgakow, Regula Strasser, Anja Kroll, Tom Weissenberger, Davis Straub and Tony Marty.
Basic rules
Briefing with weather report will be held every morning in the office at landing. After arrive to the take-off there will be held another briefing where will be defined corridor of flying zone and recommended routes for less experienced pilots. Each pilot choose his route and launch time. Turnpoints will not need to be declared before flight and pilot can make decision about route during his flight, according to the actuall conditions. Afer return from the flight the track will be scored. The scoring system is simple and is based on the idea XContest.
Director of competition has right to stop the day any time in case of worsening weather under safe level in flying corridor or in case of objective reason. In this case tracklogs will be optimized and scored until time of stopping.
Scoring rules:
Distance over maximum 3 turnpoints: 1 km = 1,0 point
Distance over a circuit (out and back and triangles): 1 km=1,2 points
FAI triangles: 1 km= 1,6 points
Flight will be scored as a closed circuit if the distance between starting point and finish point is less than 5% of the total distance of the circuit.
For the final ranking each pilot will score of three best flights.
Number of Participants and Registration
Registration for the competition on-line at registration page. Registrations will be accepted on the first come first serve basis.
!!! The registration is valid only if the full entry fee has been paid, otherwise you are at the waiting list !!!
Maximum number of participants is limited to 100.
Entry Requirements

Entry Fee
80,- EUR if paid until 6th April 2009.
Pilots taking part at Paragliding Czech Open (May 10 - May 16, 2009) can use total special fee 205,- EUR if paid until 6th April!
100,- EUR if paid after 6th April 2009.
Pilots taking part at Paragliding Czech Open (May 10 - May 16, 2009) can use total special fee 240,- EUR if paid after 6th April.
Entry fee should be paid:
- by your credit card or PayPal account (Paypal amount = entry fee + Paypal fee):
- by bank transfer:
account no: 1060010723
variable symbol: FAI license number
IBAN: CZ09 6800 0000 0010 6001 0723
account name: Karel Vejchodsky
bank address: Volksbank CZ, a.s., Herspicka 5, 658 28 Brno
The payment must be passed to the account before 6th June to qualify for the fee without a late payment surcharge.
For international bank transfers you have to pay all transaction fees (your payment order must be marked OUR).
Entry fee includes:
Processing of Results
GPS will be used for the flight verification. XContest system will be used validation and scoring GPS track-log. We will ensure uploading of GPS tracklogs but you can use also your computers and Wi-fi in the office to do it yourselves under your profile in XContest system! All scores will be done life and on-line. After uploading your IGC file to the web your score will be immediately visible to everybody in the world! The organizer provides cables for GARMIN GPS.
Awarded Categories
HOBBY– ranking of participants flying certified gliders of categorie max. Standard, DHV 2 or CEN C.
PROFI – ranking of all participants
Registration for the Competition
Competition office - Levico Terme landing
3. 5. 2009 18:00 – 22:00
4. 5. 2009 08:00 - 09:00
Contact information
phone: +420777560735 (Karel)