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[Thread] Linux please

Linux please
Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 02.09.2012 * 17:41

Hello there. Could you pls provide instructions about how to upgrade gipsy for Linux system ?

I saw you provided clear guidance for Win and mac, and I was looking something similar for my preferred OS: linux !


8 posts
views: 1413
  • 1 RE: Linux please
    Author: ondrap (+79) (-15) | Posted: 02.09.2012 * 20:45

    I'm not sure what you mean. I am trying to release the versions of GiPSy always for the latest firefox (sometimes it takes me some time..). Currently the latest FF is 15, gipsy is available for FF14, but I'll try to get it out ASAP. The binaries are usually available first on http://paragliding.iglu.cz/download/gipsy/newff/ , within a week they are usually allowed as an official FireFox addon.

  • 2 RE: Linux please
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 03.09.2012 * 20:03

    Ondrap, I think he refers to my howto, I assumed that a Linux user was able to set up a local static install of Firefox by himself, so I didn't write that part of the guide.

    Cut: I'll update my howto as soon as I have some spare time ;)

  • 3 RE: Linux please
    Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 04.09.2012 * 07:03

    THANK YOU !!!

  • 4 RE: Linux please
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 04.09.2012 * 21:59
  • 5 RE: Linux please
    Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 12.09.2012 * 12:33

    Thank you.

    The process ends with step n.6. Plugin is not loaded. Step 7 is "install GiPSy from add-ons manager,..." but it simply doesn't get installed at all.

    Relaunching the script opens Firefox, no plugin installed and (quite strange) Firefox starts in offline mode. Again plugin doesn't get installed on when you press the button for install.

    Any idea ?!?!?

    Firefox ver 3.0


  • 6 RE: Linux please
    Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 12.09.2012 * 12:39

    Update: there was automatic block on plugin install, so I'd recommend updating the procedure saying that one has to press the right button on "install" and choose "open in another window". At that time the popup saying that it is not possible to install the plugin does appear and you can authorize the install.

    Now I only get a message saying that Gipsy 1.7.6 is not compatible with FF ver 3.0 ?!?!?!?

    Will investigate and let you know.

    Thanks !

  • 7 RE: Linux please
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 12.09.2012 * 21:33

    why are you using version 3.0 of Firefox? It's a little bit outdated as now...

    Try with version 14, for example, it will surely work better ;)

  • 8 RE: Linux please
    Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 16.09.2012 * 05:57

    YES !!! IT WORKS NOW !!!!

    I read old documentation which addressed me to FF v 3.0. With FF v 14.0 it works !!!

    T H A N K Y O U !!!

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