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[Thread] Firefox 7

Firefox 7
Author: cippolex (+0) (-0) | Posted: 02.10.2011 * 21:08

Hi to all

I have installed gipsy on my forefox 7 but it doesn't work

i receive:

Error loading GPS component

This error message means that an error occured while loading a platform-dependent GPS component.

This can happen when:

Your platform is unsupported. There are some problems with very old Linux distributions, Fedora 8 x86_64 in particular.

You share your profile with Windows version of Firefox. In such case run 'firefox -profilemanager', create new profile and install the extension.

You are using Windows XP Home system without msvcrt80.dll library. Install the following package: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86), then uninstall GiPSy and install it again.

Any ideas?

24 posts
views: 8208
  • 1 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: cippolex (+0) (-0) | Posted: 04.10.2011 * 10:57

    I'm sorry

    but it works at all and it's only my problem?

  • 2 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: lhaeger (+0) (-0) | Posted: 04.10.2011 * 12:44

    Same problem here....

  • 3 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: oekosoft (+0) (-0) | Posted: 04.10.2011 * 18:41

    I have the same problem on Windows 64bit ..

  • 4 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 05.10.2011 * 16:55

    Same here on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit

  • 5 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: torstenleipzig (+0) (-0) | Posted: 06.10.2011 * 17:27

    I got the same message on my opensuse-11.4_x86_64bit system after updating firefox to version 7.0 yesterday. If i start gipsy and look at the error message console i get a message like this:

    Native module at path '/home/flieger/.mozilla/firefox/aac4paay.default/extensions/gipsy@pgweb.cz/platform/Linux_x86_64-gcc3/components/gipsy.so' is incompatible with this version of Firefox, has version 6, expected 7.

    kindly regards for future help

  • 6 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: stinguely (+0) (-0) | Posted: 10.10.2011 * 07:43

    Same problem with Ubuntu 11.04 and firefox 7.0.1

    Best regards,


  • 7 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: dschmitt (+0) (-0) | Posted: 10.10.2011 * 19:06

    Same problem Mac OS X 10.7.1

  • 8 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: Tomei (+0) (-0) | Posted: 16.10.2011 * 16:33

    Same problem :-(

  • 9 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: Ender (+0) (-0) | Posted: 17.10.2011 * 19:20

    same :(

  • 10 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: ondrap (+79) (-15) | Posted: 18.10.2011 * 12:04

    This is problem with firefox 7: i will recompile gipsy asap, sorry, I was on holidays last 14 days without access to the computer...

  • 11 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: volfi (+0) (-0) | Posted: 21.10.2011 * 20:38

    I have downloaded the latest version from addons.mozilla.org (version 1.7.3), but still get the same error. I realized that I should check my shared lib dependencies. I had some "not found" shared libs while checking gipsy.so and I fixed them, but I still get the same error.


    Firefox for openSUSE 7.0.1

    ldd ...gipsy@pgweb.cz/platform/Linux_x86_64-gcc3/components/gipsy.so : no failing dependencies

    Any idea?

  • 12 Firefox 8
    Author: ParaDave (+0) (-0) | Posted: 25.10.2011 * 12:42

    Hi ondrap,

    will you be doing a version for FF8 while recompiling GiPSy?

    This would be nice!

  • 13 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: franztockner (+0) (-0) | Posted: 29.10.2011 * 18:33

    Hello, is there a solution for the problem with firefox 7 (first posting)???

  • 14 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 29.10.2011 * 18:53

    Same for me. Kubuntu 11.10

    No way.

    What the hell is the solution ?


  • 15 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: Cutix (+0) (-0) | Posted: 29.10.2011 * 18:56

    Moreover here is my ldd gipsy.so result:

    linux-gate.so.1 => (0x002e5000)

    libusb-0.1.so.4 => /lib/libusb-0.1.so.4 (0x00f69000)

    libxul.so => not found

    libxpcom.so => not found

    libplds4.so => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libplds4.so (0x00d80000)

    libplc4.so => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libplc4.so (0x00824000)

    libnspr4.so => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnspr4.so (0x00de7000)

    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00a08000)

    libdl.so.2 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x007fa000)

    libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00110000)

    libm.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00c04000)

    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x007c2000)

    libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x0059d000)

    /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x00e52000)

  • 16 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: torstenleipzig (+0) (-0) | Posted: 31.10.2011 * 14:30

    How volfi (post 11) suggests i checked gipsy.so with ldd. I got the same results like the author cut in post 15. I fixed this by copying the libxul.so and libxpcom.so in the expected folder. The ldd check ended with success. But still i get the same firefox error message:

    Native module at path '/home/flieger/.mozilla/firefox/aac4paay.default/extensions/gipsy@pgweb.cz/platform/Linux_x86_64-gcc3/components/gipsy.so' is incompatible with this version of Firefox, has version 6, expected 7

  • 17 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 09.11.2011 * 22:15

    Firefox 8 is out!

    I'm using a "standalone" FF6 version just for GiPSy, but not everybody is able to set up such a thing, the world needs an updated version!

  • 18 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 30.11.2011 * 20:01

    In case someone wants to setup the standalone FF6, here is my guide:


  • 19 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: HansAusHolland (+0) (-0) | Posted: 04.12.2011 * 10:52

    Thanks Ulisse for the guide!

    the "download Firefox 6.0.2 for Windows system from here" gives the italian version, where I have some problem reading italian... ;-)


    ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/6.0.2/win32/ to download the version in the language prefered.

  • 20 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: ulisse (+0) (-0) | Posted: 08.12.2011 * 16:56

    sorry about that, link in the guide updated ;)

  • 21 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: serge (+0) (-0) | Posted: 07.01.2012 * 06:40


    I had GiPSy working fine with firefox 2 even with firefox 3 installed. I used ff2 for gipsy only. Then I added firefox 7, and all changed. ff7 decided to disactivate gipsy 1.1 that I used. Nightmare after that. No configuration of ff and gipsy ever worked. Now I have tried all the trick displayed here (and more) and I still get the error message "error loading gps component". My OS is window 2000. Anyone has a clue or an idea?



  • 22 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: ondrap (+79) (-15) | Posted: 02.02.2012 * 17:41

    Which OS do you have? I am just completing official version for FF10, so that will hopefully help.

  • 23 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: serge (+0) (-0) | Posted: 06.02.2012 * 18:08

    Using OS Microsoft Windows 2000.

    I wouldn't mind using a standalone version of FF just for gipsy. That is what I was doing with the FF2 last summer. I really got bummed when the new FF disabled gipsy in FF2 as well. It was working perfectly before that.

  • 24 RE: Firefox 7
    Author: serge (+0) (-0) | Posted: 23.06.2012 * 01:45

    I tried again with XP and ff7 and I still get the error message when I try to use gipsy.

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