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[Thread] Error Upload

Error Upload
Author: Sarbu_Horatiu (+0) (-0) | Posted: 20.08.2023 * 03:38


Does anybody had this problem?

I uploaded and doesn t apear in list. Try It again and receive this.

“ you are trying to claim a flight which is already claimed and current is waiting in an optimalization queue. as soon as it is optimized, it appears on my flights page”

Thank you

1 post
views: 299
  • 1 RE: Error Upload
    Author: Solyom (+0) (-0) | Posted: 13.05.2024 * 15:45


    I have the same problem now. First I've uploaded the flight from my Skytraxx. I didn't check immediately the result. Beacuse the flight later didn't appear in my flight list I've tried to uploaded it again from my vario. This time I've receved the answer that the upload was refused. I've tried to claim this flight on the webpage, and I've received the message like you. Could you solve the problem?


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